MY WHY, Coach Rebecca Tillou

Published by Emma Baldwin on

I can feel the ground beneath my shoes
I can feel the gravel as it crunches
Vibrating up through my feet into my legs
I can smell the trees
Starting to blossom
Leaves starting to form
The smell of Springtime
I can faintly hear the train as it goes by overhead
As my music plays in my ears
So many different types of music
From country, to pop, to Christian Rock, to Hamilton
I can taste my water, tinged with lemon juice, as I take a swig from my bottle
I can see the finish line. I can see victory. My own victory. I did it.
All the senses coming together as I set out on a run. All joining to regulate my body, mind and soul. Running is how I regulate. How do YOU REGULATE?

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Registration for Run FASD: Give FASD a Seat at the Table opens on June 1st, 2024. We can’t wait to connect with everyone and spread awareness of FASD!

We are looking for Run FASD sponsors!

If you or someone you know would like to support this national event, you can find more information here, or you can email development associate, Emma Baldwin at