Two years ago, Coach Rebecca mentioned on a podcast that a virtual 5k to raise awareness was a dream. Our Run FASD 2022 sponsor FASD Hope Podcast has worked from the start to support that dream becoming a reality. Self-advocates, family members and community leaders are gathering to bring awareness to FASD and build community or making plans to run on their own. We are grateful for the tireless support we receive from FASD Hope Podcast and thank them for this years platinum sponsorship.

FASD Hope is thrilled to be a sponsor for the second year in a row of Run FASD Virtual 5K. I am humbled that Coach Rebecca Tillou first shared her dream of having a Virtual 5K for FASD as a guest on the FASD Hope podcast and FASD Hope is so excited to see Rebecca’s dream grow into the amazing Virtual 5K that it is today. The Run FASD Virtual 5K celebrates, supports and brings together those in the FASD Community and FASD Hope is thankful for the opportunity to sponsor and support this wonderful event!”

FASD Hope is a podcast providing Awareness, Information and Inspiration for people who’s lives have been touched by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Find out more and listen in at